-What’s that one wish for you?
-Oh, that one’s easy.
-Yeah all right, let’s hear it then.
-I wish..I wish I was as good of a boyfriend as I am a friend.
-Damn man..did you come up with that in therapy?
-No, why?
-Then how do you do that?
-Do what?
-Think about that stuff on your own? I mean you had that answer locked and ready to go. I mean I asked you just so I can get a bearing on where should I go and look for mine but it’s like you were already too far for me.
-What, I don’t think I was.
-I hate those fake humble moments of yours..
-Fair enough, sorry. So I once asked my niece who was 5 at the time that famous question: Who would you wanna have dinner with, dead or alive?Knowing she had no idea who Nikola Tesla was, Socrates, Caesar or any of the historic or present great people are. My nephew answered that Elon Musk would be cool to talk to. He was 10 at the time. I was like, hmm that’s pretty smart for a 10 year old and I was so proud of him.
But then. Then she comes with a smile and just says: mom.
-Right? I mean I had to take a deep breath just to keep myself from being frozen in that moment of realisation for the rest of my life. By the time I took that breath and swallowed whatever that emotion was which was stuck in my throat, she added ‘and dad’. And that’s it. That’s the answer. Apparently you don’t need to know everything to know what’s most important. It seems the more you know the more you lose focus on what’s really important. A 5 year old answered that question better than the 100% of people you or me could have asked. Who doesn’t want a dinner with their mom and dad. Maybe you even make them laugh. Maybe they tell you a story you never heard before. Maybe I don’t know what happens. But one thing I know for sure. That dinner.. is the best dinner you can ever have. So that’s always how I answer. I forget everything and then it just comes to me. It’s like that expression explain to me like I’m five. That’s how I answer. Just like i’m five. That way I can never be wrong.
– Are you scared?
– We don’t ask that.
– What do we ask then?
– We ask ourselves is it worth it.
– Is it worth what?
– Worth living if there is nothing to fight for.
– And what do we fight for?
– The only thing worth fighting for – love.
– What is art?
– Anything you love but can’t explain why?
– Is love art then?
– Oh yes!
Bok, ja sam nova ovdje
Nemoguće je ne pomisliti da je stvoren za mene. Nemoguće je ne osjećati se kao jedina žena na svijetu dok on me gleda. Nemoguće je da barem jednom mi ne izleti kako nitko ne razumije kako on mene voli jer on mene voli više nego bilo tko bilo koga ikada.
Voli me taman. Znam, zvuči loše, ali taman toliko mi treba. Taman toliko da zauvijek budemo zajedno, taman da svaki puta kada mi se zavuče pod majicu zatreperim, taman da kada god pomislim da sam ispala glupa on kaže da mu je to najdraži naš trenutak ikada.
Zna on što mi radi, a ja ne mogu vjerovati da zna jer ja ne znam kako. Svaki puta kada ode ja se pogledam u ogledalo i upoznam novu djevojku kako mi se smiješka. Ova nova zna da obožava osjetiti njegov dlan na svojim usnama i prigušiti svoje uzdahe dok ona koju sam upoznala večer prije nije na to nikad ni pomislila. Više mi sviđa ova nova.
That feeling
It’s not the Moon, the stars, the night. Nor the waves crashing or the pebbles rolling. The soft wind it is not also. The quiet might be but is not. It’s the fact that she is holding your hand. It’s love.
– Are you OK?
– No… but I never felt better.
She knows that no is just me playing my fantasy of living in a movie so she waits with a smile for my drama to end. It takes over me, like dopamine. She knows it is part of the promise I made to her – it will never be boring.
I am her dramaking, but I still treat her like a queen.
Love crazy
It’s about a journey, about playing her your favorite song and her not liking it. It’s about not caring that she does not like it because she likes you. It’s about her not being perfect but still saying to you she is worth the drama. Because when she does something wrong and you get mad she knows she shouldn’t argue but she should show you her tits because that’s crazy, and you love crazy. You love her, it’s about that, it’s all about love.